How To Increase Sales For Sustainable Fashion Brands

Have you recently wondered about what the key pieces in increasing sales for sustainable fashion brands and scaling are? In this blog post, we got you covered! We share four of the most important pieces that need to work together to successfully scale your business and take it to the next level. 

Although we will walk you through the four components on a high level, this should give you a good idea of what things to consider when trying to increase your sales. These tips will walk you through a checklist of things to consider so you can pinpoint what you may need to work on.

1. Foundation

You need to have a solid foundation put in place in order to scale. Do you know where you’re going and the end goal of your business? You need to know how you’re going to achieve that end goal and break it down into both long-term and short-term plans. It can be extremely helpful to have a roadmap of your 10-year, 5-year and 1-year plan — along with quarterly, monthly and daily goals as well. 

Additionally, product-market fit is super important. Do you have products or services that your ideal customer wants and needs? Does your product or service alleviate pain points for your customers? Be sure to consider these things when setting up the right foundation for your business. 

And lastly, to have the perfect foundation intact, you have to be working on your mindset too. As we covered in episode 83, don’t self-sabotage your success and build the appropriate mindset to help you take your business to the next level. 

2. Strategy

Create a strategy and plan that have been proven to work for your budgeting, marketing and sales. For budgeting, you should be considering ways you can maximize it, especially when allocating to the marketing budget. Your marketing strategy has to include thoughtful thinking about how to increase brand awareness and bring new traffic to your brand. In alignment with this, your sales strategy should focus on how to maintain current customers and expand for new customers. How can you improve conversion rates and use sales levers without leveraging discounting as your main strategy?

3. Execution

Once you have a plan and strategy to work with, you need to think about how you’re going to execute them seamlessly and flawlessly. For example, we help our clients at Recloseted to leverage proven processes and systems to churn out their monthly content easily, work with influencers, approach partnerships, budgeting, and more so that everything is effortless and they don’t have to run around with their heads cut off trying to figure out how they will do everything. How can you do everything properly so that you get the best results but you’re working SMARTER (not harder) and know exactly where your priorities lie?

4. Team

In order to execute these plans, do you have the right team of people working alongside you? When you grow and scale your business, you inevitably have to start giving up control because there will be too many things on your plate to tackle all by yourself. It’s vital to consider how everything will get done without you burning out. And the best way is to build your initial team — this can include contractors, and part-time employees. But importantly, how will you manage them so that it makes your life easier and not harder? How can you easily onboard them and get things done? Take a moment to figure out what can be outsourced and what you should work on. 

Hopefully, these 4 key points can get the ball rolling to help you increase sales and scale your business. This skims the surface of what we cover with our clients in our Business Consulting services so reach out if you’re interested in wroking together!


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